140 Carbon Neutralization Terms (Part 2)

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71. Carbon Finance: low carbon economic investment and financing activities arising from the Kyoto Protocol, or carbon financing and trading of carbon substances. That is, financial activities such as direct investment and financing, carbon emission trading and bank loans for technologies and projects that limit greenhouse gas emissions.

72. Baseline: refers to some data used to measure the size of change. The baseline of the project activity is a scenario that reasonably represents the anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions that would occur in the absence of the proposed project activity.

73. Baseline scenario: refers to the future scenario of activities within the project boundary when there is no proposed project activity.

74. Bundling: put several small-scale carbon trading mechanism project activities together as a project activity or a combination of activities without losing the specific characteristics of each project activity. These features include: technology or measures, location, simplified baseline, methodological application. Each project activity in each smaller bundle belongs to the same type, and the output capacity of the project in each small bundle shall not exceed the small-scale upper limit of the relevant output type.

75. Split bundled: split a large project activity into multiple small project activities. Large scale project activities or any component of large-scale project activities can adopt normal carbon trading mechanism procedures and procedures.
76、Activity planning programme of activities,POA :It refers to the voluntary participation and coordination of private or public entities in order to implement government policies / measures or achieve specified objectives (such as material incentive system and voluntary projects)Activities performed. Under a planning scheme, an unlimited number of relevant carbon trading mechanism planning activities can be added to generate additional greenhouse gas emission reduction or increase the benefits of greenhouse gas sinks compared with the scenario without such planning scheme activities.

77. Component project activity (CPA) of some project activities: one or a series of interrelated emission reduction or exchange increase measures implemented in the area specified by the baseline method definition.
78. Project participant: a project participant refers to a party or private and / or public entity that makes a decision on how to allocate certified emission reductions (CERs) from the project activity under consideration.
79. Project activity: refers to a measure, operation or action aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

80. Project boundary: refers to the geographical scope of forest management carbon sequestration project activities implemented by project participants (project owners) who have the ownership or use right of forest land in the proposed project area. A project activity can be carried out on several different plots, but each plot should have a specific geographical boundary, which does not include forest land between two or more plots. Project boundary includes pre project boundary and post project boundary.
81. Project scenario: refers to the prediction of GHG emission trend scenario under the proposed project activity.
82. Stakeholder: refers to the public, including individuals, groups or communities, who are or may be affected by the proposed CDM project activities or actions leading to the implementation of such activities.

83. Designated national authority, DNA: if a party wants to participate in CDM projects, it needs to establish a designated national authority responsible for supervising CDM. Interested parties need to provide information on their DNA to the UNFCCC Secretariat. This information can be found on the UNFCCC website. Designated national authority (DNA) refers to the government department responsible for the approval process of CDM projects in accordance with domestic laws and policies and international CDM rules. In China, the designated national authority is the national development and Reform Commission (NDRC), which is responsible for the approval process of the projects reviewed and revised by the national CDM Council.
84. Designated operational entity (DOE): designated operational entity (DOE) plays a very important role in the process of carbon trading mechanism. It is an independent entity responsible for requesting and implementing the eligibility of carbon trading mechanism project activities, verifying and certifying anthropogenic emission reductions by greenhouse gas (GHG) sources, and submitting an application to the Council of the carbon trading mechanism to review CERs. Each designated operational entity is authorized only for a certain carbon trading activity (sector scope), which may be a state-owned sector or international institution.

85. Certification: written assurance provided by the designated operational entity (DOE): that the anthropogenic emission reductions by sources of greenhouse gases achieved by a project activity have been verified within a specific period of time.

86. Certified emission reductions (CER): refers to the emission reductions of a trading mechanism or POAS (activity planning) project issued by the United Nations executive board (EB) in accordance with the principles and requirements of the carbon trading mechanism. A unit of CER is equivalent to one ton of carbon dioxide equivalent. The global warming potential coefficient (GWP) is used in the calculation of cer, Convert the greenhouse effect of non-carbon dioxide gases into equivalent carbon dioxide.
87. Chinese certified emission reduction (CCER): refers to the voluntary emission reduction of greenhouse gases recorded and registered in the national registration system in accordance with the Interim Measures for the administration of voluntary emission reduction transactions of greenhouse gases issued and implemented by the national development and Reform Commission, hereinafter referred to as CCER.
88. Crediting period: refers to the time interval during which the project scenario produces additional greenhouse gas emission reductions relative to the baseline scenario. Project participants shall select the start date of the crediting period after the date when the voluntary emission reduction project activity produces the first emission reduction, and the crediting period shall not exceed the operation cycle of the project activity. Project participants can choose either fixed credit period or renewable credit period.

89. Fixed credit period (also known as fixed credit period): it is one of the two alternatives used to determine the term of the credit period. In this scheme, the emission reduction amount of the project activity can only be determined at one time, that is, once the project activity is registered, it can not be updated or extended.

90. Renewable credit period (also known as crediting period renewable): it is one of the alternatives used to determine the term of the crediting period. In this scheme, the forestry carbon sequestration project can be 20 years. This crediting period can be updated up to two times, i.e. up to 60 years.

91. Registration: refers to the formal acceptance by the executive board (ED) or the regulatory agency specified by the state of a qualified project activity as a carbon sink trading mechanism project activity. Registration is a prerequisite for verifying, certifying and issuing certified emission reductions (CERs) or national certified emission reductions (ccers) related to this project activity.

92. Verification: refers to the monitored anthropogenic emission reductions by greenhouse gas (GHG) sources generated by registered carbon trading mechanism project activities during the verification period, which are regularly and independently reviewed and subsequently determined by the designated operational entity (DOE).
93. Monitoring: it refers to collecting and archiving all relevant data necessary and applicable for determining the baseline and measuring the anthropogenic emissions and leakage of greenhouse gas (GHG) sources within the project boundary of a certain emission reduction project (CDM or voluntary emission reduction project).
94. Baseline net green house gas removal by sinks: also known as baseline net greenhouse gas removal by sinks, it is the algebraic sum of the changes of carbon reserves in each carbon pool within the project boundary under the baseline scenario. 

95. Actual net green house gas removal by sinks: also known as actual net greenhouse gas sink removal, it is the change of carbon reserves in the selected carbon pool within the project boundary under the project scenario, minus the increase of greenhouse gas emissions within the project boundary caused by carbon sink afforestation project activities.
96. Net anthropogenic green house gas removal by sinks: also known as net anthropogenic greenhouse gas removal by sinks, it refers to the net carbon sink generated by afforestation project activities. The project emission reduction is equal to the project carbon sequestration minus the baseline carbon sequestration and then minus the leakage.

97. Transparent and conservative: determine the assumptions made by the baseline in a transparent and conservative way, and the choices made are verifiable. In the scenario of uncertainty of variables and parameter values, if the prediction of the baseline does not overestimate the emission reduction of a carbon trading mechanism project activity, the determination of the baseline is considered to be conservative.

98. Key emission units: refers to the greenhouse gas emission units that meet the standards for inclusion in carbon emission trading determined by the competent department of carbon trading under the State Council and have independent legal personality.
99. Inventory: quantitative table of greenhouse gas emissions and emission sources of institutions。

100. Emission factor: the coefficient that quantifies the gas emission or removal per unit activity. The emission factor usually obtains the emission rate of representative average activity level based on the measured sample data under a given set of operating conditions.

101. Cropland: including arable land and cultivated land, as well as land whose vegetation in the agroforestry system is lower than the forest land threshold and consistent with the definition selected by the state.
102. Cropland Management: land for planting crops and land practice system for fallow or temporarily not used for crop production.
103. Decision tree: decision tree is a flow chart describing specific specified steps. When preparing the list or list component according to the principle of good practice, it needs to be carried out in this order.
104. Disturbance: the process of reducing or redistributing the carbon pool of terrestrial ecosystem.

105. Expert judgment: refers to the qualitative or quantitative evaluation that has been carefully considered and recorded in detail. These evaluations are made by one or more personnel with special skills in specific fields without unambiguous observation evidence.

106. Measures: in climate policy, measures are technologies, processes and practices to promote climate change mitigation. Examples include renewable energy technologies, waste minimization processes and public transport practices.
107. Grassland: this category includes pastures and pastures that are not considered farmland. It also includes the categories where vegetation fails to meet the forest land standard and fails to meet the forest land standard through human intervention. Grassland also includes all grasslands from wasteland to leisure areas, as well as agricultural, forestry and animal husbandry systems. It is divided into management and non management, which is consistent with the national definition.

108. Wetland wetlands: this type includes land (such as peat land) that is covered with water or saturated with water throughout the year or part of the year and does not belong to the type of forest land, cultivated land, grassland or settlement. This type can be subdivided into management and non management types according to the general definition, that is, it includes reservoirs belonging to management classification and natural rivers and lakes belonging to non management classification.
109. Settlements: this category includes all developed land, including transportation infrastructure and human settlements of any size, unless they have been included under other categories. This should be consistent with the definition chosen by the state。

110. Other land (as a land-use category): this type includes bare soil, rock, ice and all unmanaged land that does not belong to any other five types. Where data are available, it allows the identified total land area to match the national area. 

111. Grazing land management: refers to a set of practices on the land used for livestock production, which aims to regulate the quantity and type of feed and livestock produced.
112. Gross annual increment: the average annual increment of all trees measured according to the specified minimum DBH (different countries) in the reference period. Includes the increment of trees that have been cut or died.
113. Harmonization of definitions: in this context, it refers to standardizing definit

114. Comparability: it means that emissions and removals estimates in inventories reported by parties should be compared among parties. To this end, parties should use the methods and formats adopted by the conference of the parties (COP) to estimate and report on inventories.

115. Relevance: ensure that the greenhouse gas emission inventory properly reflects the greenhouse gas emission of the enterprise and serves the decision-making needs of internal and external users of the enterprise.
116. Integrity: refers to that the list includes all sources and sinks covering the whole region and all gases in the revised 1996 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories, as well as other relevant source / sink categories specific to individual parties.

117. Consistency: it means that the list should be internally consistent with all its elements within a few years. Inventories are consistent if the same methodology is used for the base year and all subsequent years, and if consistent data sets are used to estimate emissions by sources or removals by sinks. 

118. Transparency: it means that the report preparer should clearly explain the assumptions and methods used in the list, disclose any relevant assumptions, and properly indicate the quoted accounting and calculation methodology and data sources, so as to promote the repeatability of the list preparation and evaluate the list.

119. Base year: the starting year of the list. At present, it is generally based on 1990.

120. Activity: an operation or a series of operations occurring in a given period and defined area. 

121. Activity data: the amount of human activities that cause the emission or removal of greenhouse gas sources within a certain period of time. In the land use, land-use change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector, data such as land area, storage, management system, lime and fertilizer use are all examples of activity data. 

122. Key category: refers to the category that occupies a priority position in the national inventory system. Whether its absolute emission value or the estimation of emission trend or these two aspects have an important impact on the total amount of national greenhouse gas emission inventory.

123. Land cover: vegetation type covered on the land surface. 
124. Land use: the type of activities carried out on a land unit in the preparation of the list. In the good practice guidance for land use, land-use change and Forestry (gpg-lulucf), this term is used to define land use categories, These land categories are a mixture of land cover (e.g. forest, grassland, wetland) and land use (e.g. cultivated land, settlement).

Land use, land use change and forestry, LULUCF: it is a part of the national greenhouse gas inventory report, covering greenhouse gas emissions and removals directly caused by human land use, land use change and forestry activities, excluding agricultural emissions.

126. Agriculture, forestry and other land use, AFOLU: it is clearly stipulated in the 2006 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories, covering greenhouse gas emissions and removals caused by land use, land-use change and forestry activities directly caused by human beings. Compared with LULUCF, The cross cutting problem of greenhouse gases caused by some activities was avoided.

127. Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation: providing incentives for developing countries to reduce carbon emissions caused by forest destruction, so as to create financial value for the carbon stored in forests. Therefore, it is also a mechanism to achieve mitigation by avoiding deforestation. Redd plus is broader than reforestation and forest degradation, including the role of forest protection and sustainable management and strengthening forest carbon stocks. This concept was first put forward at the 11th Conference of the parties (COP) of UNFCCC held in Montreal in 2005. The 13th cop of UNFCCC held in Bali in 2007 highly recognized this concept and incorporated it into the Bali Action Plan, Calls for the establishment of "policy approaches and positive incentives for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD +) in developing countries and activities related to forest protection, sustainable forest management and strengthening the role of forest carbon stocks in developing countries (REDD +)".

128. Managed Grassland: Grassland on which human activities are carried out, such as grazing or hay harvesting.

129. Net annual increment: in a given reference period, the total increment of all trees measured according to the specified minimum DBH minus the annual average of natural death.

130. Net Net Net Accounting: the carbon sink or carbon source of the reporting year minus the carbon sink or carbon source of the base year. Article 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol stipulates the accounting method for grazing land management, cultivated land management and vegetation restoration. 

131. Gross Net Accounting: this method directly calculates the net carbon sink or carbon source in the reporting year according to the proportion of carbon sink growth rate and consumption rate of project operation and management. The result of this method is generally larger than that of net kernel algorithm.
132. Organic soils: soils that meet the requirements listed in I and II or I and III below are organic soils (FAO, 1998); The thickness is 10cm or more. When the mixing depth is 20cm, the layer less than 20cm thick must have 12% or more organic carbon; If the soil does not reach saturated water for several days and the content of organic carbon (about 35% organic matter) exceeds 20% (by weight); If the soil is often saturated with water and meets any of the following conditions: (I) if there is no clay, the organic carbon is at least 12% (by weight) (about 20% organic matter); (II) if the clay content is 60% or more, the organic carbon is at least 18% (by weight) (about 30% organic matter); Or (III) between the two, the middle amount of clay has a proportional amount of organic carbon.

133. Peat soil (also known as organic soil): a typical wetland soil with high water level and at least 40 cm thick organic matter layer (organic soil with poor drainage). 

134. Sandy soils: including all soils with sand content of more than 70% and clay content of less than 8% (regardless of classification) (based on standard texture measurement (FAO classification includes: sandy soil, Sandy Rock soil)). 

135. Practice: an action or group of actions that have an impact on land, land related carbon pool reserves or the exchange of greenhouse gases with the atmosphere.

136. Good practice: good practice is a set of specifications, which aims to ensure the accuracy of greenhouse gas inventory, that is, under the current judgment ability, it is neither too high nor too low to estimate carbon emissions, and reduce the uncertainty in practical operation as much as possible. Good practices include the selection of estimation methods suitable for the actual situation of the country, quality assurance and quality control at the national level, quantification of uncertainty and information archiving and reporting conducive to transparency.
137. Reporting: the process of providing estimates of national greenhouse gas inventories to the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change.

138. Resilience: the ability of a social, economic and environmental system to deal with disastrous events, trends or disturbances, respond or restructure, maintain its necessary functions, positioning and structure, and maintain its ability to adapt, learn and transform.

139. Resolution: the smallest land unit that can determine the relevant land cover or utilization. High resolution refers to the small land units that can be distinguished.

140. Vegetation restoration: establish vegetation with a coverage area of at least 0.05 hectares at relevant sites to increase carbon reserves, and it is another direct human activity that does not meet the definition of forest formation.