In 2025, the proportion of renewable energy installed by central enterprises will exceed 50%! SASAC issued a new deal to guide carbon neutralization!

2022-02-17 管理员 Read 55

The reporter of the international energy network learned that on December 30, the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council prepared and issued the guiding opinions on promoting the high-quality development of central enterprises and doing a good job in carbon peak and carbon neutralization (hereinafter referred to as the Guiding Opinions), so as to solidly promote central enterprises to play an exemplary and leading role in promoting national carbon peak and carbon neutralization.

The guidance consists of eight parts, including overall requirements, main objectives, organization and implementation, etc. *** It is proposed to adhere to systematic planning and overall promotion, give priority to saving and reduce carbon at the source, adhere to innovation driven and scientific and technological guidance, and adhere to the basic principles of being practical, stable and orderly.

The guiding opinions put forward the clear objectives of carbon peak and carbon neutralization of central enterprises:

By 2025, significant progress will be made in the adjustment and optimization of the industrial structure and energy structure of central enterprises, the energy efficiency of key industries will be greatly improved, the construction of new power systems will be accelerated, and positive progress will be made in the R & D, promotion and application of green and low-carbon technologies; The comprehensive energy consumption of 10000 yuan output value of central enterprises is 15% lower than that in 2020, the carbon dioxide emission of 10000 yuan output value is 18% lower than that in 2020, the installed capacity of renewable energy power generation is more than 50%, and the revenue of strategic emerging industries is no less than 30%, laying a solid foundation for achieving carbon peak.

By 2030, remarkable achievements will be made in the comprehensive green and low-carbon transformation of central enterprises, significant progress will be made in the adjustment of industrial structure and energy structure, the energy utilization efficiency of enterprises in key industries is close to the advanced level of world-class enterprises, major breakthroughs will be made in green and low-carbon technology, the scale and proportion of green and low-carbon industries will be significantly increased, and the comprehensive energy consumption of 10000 yuan output value of central enterprises will be significantly reduced, The carbon dioxide emission of 10000 yuan output value is more than 65% lower than that in 2005. The carbon dioxide emission of central enterprises has reached the peak as a whole and decreased steadily. Qualified central enterprises strive to take the lead in reaching the peak.

By 2060, the industrial system of green and low-carbon circular development of central enterprises and the clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system will be fully established, the energy utilization efficiency will reach the advanced level of world-class enterprises, form the core competitive advantage of green and low-carbon, and make a positive contribution to the smooth realization of the goal of carbon neutralization.

In addition, the guidance also points out that:

Vigorously develop green and low-carbon industries. Encourage central enterprises to seize the opportunity of green and low-carbon development and promote the integration, clustering and ecological development of strategic emerging industries. Accelerate the development of new generation information technology, biotechnology, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment, new energy vehicles, green environmental protection, aerospace, marine equipment and other strategic emerging industries. Promote the deep integration of emerging technologies such as Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and 5g with green and low-carbon industries. Further improve the quality and efficiency of the development of green environmental protection industry, cultivate large-scale green environmental protection enterprise groups with international competitiveness, and cultivate new business forms and new models such as comprehensive energy services, contract energy management, third-party environmental pollution control and comprehensive services of carbon emission management.

Accelerate the development of non fossil energy. Optimize the development layout of non fossil energy and continuously increase the proportion of non fossil energy business. Improve the industrial chain of clean energy equipment manufacturing and support the development and utilization of clean energy. Comprehensively promote the large-scale and high-quality development of wind power and solar power generation, develop biomass energy according to local conditions, and explore and deepen the development and utilization of marine energy and geothermal energy. Adhere to both centralized and distributed development, give priority to the local and nearby development and utilization of wind energy and solar energy, and accelerate the innovation, upgrading and characteristic application of intelligent photovoltaic industry. Develop hydropower according to local conditions and promote the construction of hydropower projects that have been included in national planning and meet the requirements of ecological and environmental protection. Actively, safely and orderly develop nuclear power and cultivate high-end nuclear power equipment manufacturing industrial clusters. Steadily build a hydrogen energy industry system, improve the integrated layout of hydrogen energy production, storage, transmission and utilization, and actively deploy industrial chain demonstration projects in combination with typical energy consumption scenarios in industries, transportation and other fields. We will strengthen the forward-looking layout of advanced energy storage, temperature difference energy, geothermal energy, tidal energy and other emerging energy fields.

Accelerate the construction of a new power system with new energy as the main body. Strive to improve the power supply guarantee capacity, improve the power grid's ability to absorb and regulate a high proportion of renewable energy, and ensure the safe and stable operation of large power grids. Strengthen the coordination and interaction between source network load and storage, and strive to improve the flexible regulation ability of power system. Accelerate the implementation of coal power flexibility transformation, and promote self owned power plants to participate in power system regulation. We will build core backbone grids with high quality and encourage the construction of smart energy systems and microgrids. Strengthen the demand side response of power consumption, and promote central enterprises to actively participate in the pilot and implementation of virtual power plants. Accelerate the construction of pumped storage power stations with eco-friendly, mature conditions and superior indicators, actively promote the construction of projects under construction, actively carry out the construction of small and medium-sized pumped storage in combination with local planning, explore and promote the integration and transformation of water elevator levels, and develop the modern industry of pumped storage. Promote the R & D and large-scale application of new energy storage technologies with high safety, low cost, high reliability and long life. Improve the application framework and standards of source network load storage interactive technology, build a source network load storage collaborative and interactive regulation platform, and shape a co construction, sharing and win-win industrial ecology with the wide participation of multiple subjects.

Notice on printing and distributing the guiding opinions on promoting the high-quality development of central enterprises and doing a good job in carbon peak and carbon neutralization

Central enterprises, discipline inspection and supervision teams stationed in the Commission, departments and bureaus within the Commission, units directly under the Commission and associations directly under the Commission:

The guidance on promoting the high-quality development of central enterprises and doing a good job in carbon peak and carbon neutralization is hereby printed and distributed to you. Please earnestly implement it in combination with the actual situation.


November 27, 2021

Guidance on promoting the high-quality development of central enterprises and doing a good job in carbon peak and carbon neutralization

*** Central enterprises play an important role in important industries and key fields related to national security and the lifeline of the national economy. At the same time, they are also the key units of China's carbon emissions. They should play an exemplary and leading role in promoting national carbon peak and carbon neutralization. In order to thoroughly implement the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on carbon peaking and carbon neutralization, and guide central enterprises to do a good job in carbon peaking and carbon neutralization, the following opinions are put forward:

1、 General requirements

(1) Guiding ideology.

*** Overall and local, short-term and medium and long-term relations, integrate carbon peaking and carbon neutralization into the overall development of state-owned central enterprises, focus on layout optimization and structural adjustment, deepen supply side structural reform, reduce intensity and control the total amount, focus on scientific, technological and institutional innovation, accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation and high-quality development of central enterprises, and effectively support the country to achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutralization on schedule.

(2) Basic principles.

--Adhere to systematic planning and overall promotion. Strengthen overall planning and coordination, improve the incentive and restraint mechanism, clarify the overall goal and implementation path, run through the whole process and links of enterprise production and operation, and accelerate the construction of the layout and structure of the state-owned economy conducive to carbon peaking and carbon neutralization. Encourage qualified central enterprises to take the lead in reaching the peak.

--We will give priority to conservation and reduce carbon at the source. Put energy and resources conservation in the first place, improve utilization efficiency, optimize energy structure, make efforts at both ends of the supply side and demand side at the same time, vigorously promote green and low-carbon transformation and upgrading, continuously reduce energy and resource consumption and carbon emissions per unit output, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the source.

--Adhere to innovation driven and science and technology led. Give full play to the main role of central enterprises in innovation, strengthen scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation, break through green and low-carbon key core technologies, improve the supply capacity of high-quality green products and services, and accelerate the promotion and application of green and low-carbon key technology products.

--Adhere to the principle of being based on reality and being stable and orderly. Overall development and security, based on China's energy resource endowment and enterprise reality, and taking the protection of national energy security and economic development as the bottom line, strengthen risk research, judgment and response, and strive to resolve all kinds of potential risks to ensure safe carbon reduction.

2、 Main objectives

By 2025, significant progress will be made in the adjustment and optimization of the industrial structure and energy structure of central enterprises, the energy efficiency of key industries will be greatly improved, the construction of new power systems will be accelerated, and positive progress will be made in the R & D, promotion and application of green and low-carbon technologies; The comprehensive energy consumption of 10000 yuan output value of central enterprises is 15% lower than that in 2020, the carbon dioxide emission of 10000 yuan output value is 18% lower than that in 2020, the installed capacity of renewable energy power generation is more than 50%, and the revenue of strategic emerging industries is no less than 30%, laying a solid foundation for achieving carbon peak.

By 2030, remarkable achievements will be made in the comprehensive green and low-carbon transformation of central enterprises, significant progress will be made in the adjustment of industrial structure and energy structure, the energy utilization efficiency of enterprises in key industries is close to the advanced level of world-class enterprises, major breakthroughs will be made in green and low-carbon technology, the scale and proportion of green and low-carbon industries will be significantly increased, and the comprehensive energy consumption of 10000 yuan output value of central enterprises will be significantly reduced, The carbon dioxide emission of 10000 yuan output value is more than 65% lower than that in 2005. The carbon dioxide emission of central enterprises has reached the peak as a whole and decreased steadily. Qualified central enterprises strive to take the lead in reaching the peak.

By 2060, the industrial system of green and low-carbon circular development of central enterprises and the clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system will be fully established, the energy utilization efficiency will reach the advanced level of world-class enterprises, form the core competitive advantage of green and low-carbon, and make a positive contribution to the smooth realization of the goal of carbon neutralization.

3、 Promote green and low-carbon transformation and development

(1) Strengthen the green and low-carbon layout of state-owned capital. Serve the national green and low-carbon development strategy, fully implement the concept of green and low-carbon development into the whole process and all fields of the reform and development of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, deeply promote the supply side structural reform, and build a state-owned economic layout and structure conducive to the country's realization of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Adjust the stock structure of state-owned capital, accelerate the clean-up and disposal of assets and enterprises that do not meet the requirements of green and low-carbon standards, and further promote strategic restructuring and professional integration. Optimize the incremental investment direction of state-owned capital, increase green and low-carbon investment, give full play to the guiding role of investment, and promote the concentration of incremental state-owned capital in green, low-carbon and forward-looking strategic emerging industries.

(2) Strengthen the guidance of green and low-carbon development plan. Fully integrate the requirements of carbon peak and carbon neutralization goals into the medium and long-term development plans of central enterprises. Strengthen the connection and coordination with various plans at all levels to ensure that the main objectives, development direction and major projects of enterprises to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutralization are coordinated with the deployment requirements of all aspects. According to their own conditions, central enterprises formulate carbon peak action plans, put forward practical and feasible carbon peak schedule, road map and construction drawings, actively carry out carbon neutralization implementation path research, and play an exemplary and leading role.

(3) Accelerate the formation of green and low-carbon production mode. We will vigorously promote energy conservation and emission reduction in central enterprises, establish a resource recycling industrial system, and comprehensively improve the efficiency of energy and resources utilization. We will promote green industrial upgrading, comprehensively implement cleaner production upgrading and green transformation in key industries, and encourage the construction of green factories with intensive plants, harmless raw materials, clean production, waste recycling and low-carbon energy. Support central enterprises to lead the green and low-carbon development of various market players and build a green and low-carbon supply chain system through market-oriented methods such as project cooperation, industrial co construction and alliance building. Encourage the development and model innovation of new business forms such as energy-saving, low-carbon and environmental services.

(4) Give play to the leading role of green and low-carbon consumption. Expand the effective supply of green and low-carbon products and services by central enterprises. Promote green design of products, strengthen green management in the whole life cycle of products, and implement the extended producer responsibility system. Encourage and promote the certification management of green and low-carbon products and services, and encourage enterprises to publish the list of green and low-carbon products. Take the lead in implementing the green procurement guidelines for enterprises, comprehensively promote green and low-carbon office, and advocate green and low-carbon lifestyle and consumption mode. Enterprises should fully implement the green and low-carbon building standards for new public buildings, and speed up the energy-saving transformation of existing public buildings.

(5) Actively carry out green and low-carbon international exchanges and cooperation. Promote central enterprises to strengthen international exchanges and cooperation in green and low-carbon economy, trade and technology. Central enterprises will vigorously develop trade in high-quality, high-tech and high value-added green products, promote the "going out" of green and low-carbon products, services and standards, and strictly manage the export of high energy consuming and high emission products. One belt, one road service, one belt, one road, and one belt, one road, to deepen cooperation with other countries and regions in green infrastructure, green energy, green finance, green technology and other fields. Priority should be given to low-carbon, energy-saving, environmental protection, green materials and technology, and to enhance sustainability of overseas projects and create a green, inclusive "one belt, one way" partnership.

4、 Establish a green and low-carbon recycling industry system

(1) We will resolutely curb the blind development of projects with high energy consumption and high emissions. Central enterprises should strictly control high energy consumption and high emission projects, optimize the capacity scale and layout of high energy consumption and high emission projects, and implement account management, dynamic monitoring and classified disposal. Promote the proposed projects scientifically and steadily, build and expand high energy consumption and high emission projects such as steel, cement, flat glass and electrolytic aluminum, strictly implement equal or reduced replacement, and strictly implement the capacity control policies of coal power, petrochemical and coal chemical industry. Further tap the potential of existing projects, accelerate the implementation of transformation and upgrading, promote the level of energy efficiency, and strive to fully reach the domestic and even international advanced level. Resolutely shut down high energy consumption and high emission projects that do not meet the requirements of relevant policies.

(2) Promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. Adhere to the combination of resolving production capacity and industrial upgrading, consolidate the achievements of steel and coal de production capacity, and accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity. Build a green manufacturing system in an all-round way, accelerate the innovation and digital transformation of low-carbon processes in coal and electricity, iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials, petrochemical industry, papermaking and other industrial industries, improve the level of industrial electrification, promote green power consumption and improve the efficiency of energy and resources utilization. We will continue to promote the innovative application of green and low-carbon processes in the manufacturing of electronic materials and complete electronic products, and significantly reduce manufacturing energy consumption. We will raise the level of green and low-carbon development in the construction industry, comprehensively implement green construction technology and green and low-carbon building materials, promote the reduction and recycling of building materials, and promote the large-scale development of ultra-low energy consumption, near zero energy consumption and low-carbon buildings. Build a green and low-carbon comprehensive transportation system, adjust and optimize the transportation structure, actively promote the transportation of bulk goods and medium and long-distance goods from "Railway" to "water", promote electrification and intellectualization in the transportation field, and promote energy-saving and new energy transportation tools and supporting facilities and equipment. Accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of business circulation, information services and other service industries, and accelerate the construction of green data centers.

(3) Vigorously develop green and low-carbon industries. Encourage central enterprises to seize the opportunity of green and low-carbon development and promote the integration, clustering and ecological development of strategic emerging industries. Accelerate the development of high-end energy, new energy, new information technology, new generation of aerospace equipment, new generation of green energy, new generation of environmental protection and other industries. Promote the deep integration of emerging technologies such as Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and 5g with green and low-carbon industries. Further improve the quality and efficiency of the development of green environmental protection industry and cultivate international competitiveness